There is lots of old/missing pages that need updating. As well as some duplicate pages like Control that need to be deleted as Control is not the name of the game mode it is Objective Control which also has its own page repeating the same info thats on the Control page. Control has better formatting and info though so i say just fix the name on that one to Objective Control.
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So, I played the Bleeding Edge beta and I loved the game, but when I went to the Zero Cool character bio, I came across his real name "Musaazi Zelev", and what is the problem with that? Well, I'm Brazilian, I live near Rio de Janeiro, and I guarantee that there are no names like that here, not even surnames like that, is that Arabic? In my entire life here, I have never seen ONE person with a name like that, and I decided to search that name on Facebook, I also did not find any Brazilian who has one. Do you think I'm exaggerating?
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